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Alpha Beta Games

     The Cygnium team has been working hard to bring exciting and accessible Alpha and Beta games, referred to as the Alphabet games. In these Alphabet games, we strive for open communication and active trouble shooting of any and all of our system's rules. We encourage players to be open on their opinions of rules, good or bad. We believe that a LARP game is nothing without its community and want to include our community on rules as much as we can.

     Every Alphabet game we run, we include a small notebook for every participant to write down their thoughts on the system and ways it can be improved, or things that they really enjoyed and would like to see kept. After every one, we sit down and go over these notebooks, and adjust rules as is needed.

Alphabet Character Creation

    Character creation for Alphabet Characters is not standard character creation for the game. In our Alphas and Betas, we need to be able to test across a range of characters, from game 1 to game 100. As such, all Alphabet characters are given randomized Experience Points.

    Because these characters are non-standard, no played character in the Alphas and Betas are permitted to be transferred as a PC (Primary Character) once true games begin. The events of the Alphas and Betas are canon for the setting, but no live game PC will have been there for it.

    We suggest you create a character that you are going to have fun exploring the mechanics of the game with, but not become too attached to.

     As these characters are canon to the setting, though, with Player Permission, an Overseer may ask you to use this character as a Face NPC once live games start. This is only if you, as the player, are consenting and willing to do so for plot. These 'Continuation NPCs' are to be used at Overseer Discretion.

Alphabet Character Creation
Please see the Game Handbook and Wiki for in-depth Details

Step 1

Character Categories

Pick 1 from each category.




Optional: Organizations (Multiples can be selected via exp)

Step 2

Points and Skills

-Contact one of the Planetary Directors to find out how much extra experience points you have for your Alphabet character. These extra points are on top of base character creation (16) and free background skills.

-Begin buying skills for your character.

     -If your character is a high build and you wish to take a new field for the character, make sure you spend the base points needed for that new field prior to getting the field. This is so that we can make sure the points are correctly calculated for your extra field(s).

Step 3

Submission and Audit

-In this step, you will make sure everything for your character is on a copy of our Alphabet Character Sheets in google docs. Once filled out, please submit a link of the google doc to one of the Admin team for audits.
-Once your character is audited and approved, you will be given the OK and a player number. If points need to be adjusted, the Admin team will inform you and work with you to fix any issues with the character sheet.

-We ask you to please be patient with our Admin team's response time, as we anticipate an influx of character sheets in the coming weeks as we approach the Beta event.




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